Writing When You Have Something to Say
Last year I blogged every single month. It was a satisfying accomplishment, and I’m proud of myself for getting it done. I’ve proved to myself and everyone else I can keep up with a monthly release schedule!
That said, I don’t think it’s the right approach. At least, not for me, and not right now.
In my review of a year of blogging last year, I talked about wanting to write more thoughtful, interesting pieces that dig deep into the topics that excite me. What I’ve realized is because of my current work schedule and diverging interests, it’s no longer reasonable to expect that kind of quality in a monthly cadence.
If I’m being really honest with myself, I don’t think writing monthly has ever let me squeeze the kind of quality I know I’m capable of into some of my existing posts.
When I have to commit a new post each month, I often end up picking a comfortable topic because it’s something I can write about easily. There’s much less time spent exploring and synthesizing ideas, and much more time spent organizing my thoughts and committing existing knowledge and ideas to the page.
Which, although that’s not a bad approach, it also isn’t what I want.
Instead, my current approach is often antithetical to quality and interesting writing, in my opinion. So instead of focusing on a regular schedule and quantity, I’m shifting to an irregular schedule and quality.
I won’t be publishing every month. Instead, I’ll be publishing when I feel like I have something to say. That way, whenever I share a post, it’s guaranteed to be something I really care about, something I can’t help but to write because I feel so strongly it needs to be said.
The work I’ve done so far is good and I’m happy to have done it, but as with all things, my process needs to evolve this year. I need to evolve this year.
So, I’m trying something new. Maybe I’ll return to posting monthly—who knows. For now though, I think it’s important to focus on putting together quality articles and contributing meaningfully to the content on the internet instead of becoming yet another place producing fluff.
That’s my commitment to myself and to you.
So, I’ll be back with something as soon as I have it ready. That could be in 2 weeks or 2 months. Regardless, I appreciate you being here, and thanks for reading!